Therapeutic Hypothermia May Protect Brain Function In Patients With Nonshockable Cardiac Arrest
Medscape (11/25/2015, Brauser) reports that research published online in Circulation suggests that “using therapeutic hypothermia to treat comatose patients who have experienced an in- or out-of-hospital cardiac arrest and who have nonshockable initial rhythms can increase their chance of survival neurologically intact.” The “retrospective registry study of more than 400 post–cardiac-arrest patients” indicated “that those who received this treatment strategy were almost three times more likely to survive to hospital discharge and 3.5 times more likely to have better neurologic function.”
NDLR: Cette revue de la littérature donne des résultats impressionnants concernant la survie, et la qualité de celle-ci, qui sont améliorées d’un facteur 3 !
Ne pas initier d’hypothermie en préhospitalier serait donc une erreur, voire une faute.